Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook Email Another Needed Volley in the Social Media Wars, Ruud Hein Says

Hot on the heels of Google’s announcement of Instant Previews last week, Facebook confirmed what many people had suspected for a while: Facebook email is on its way.

The service will compete directly with Google’s Gmail audience, and the upstart may just be the competition Google needs, says Ruud Hein at

Using copious illustrations, Hein presents “The Three Reasons Why Facebook Email is a Big Deal.”

1. Facebook Overtakes Everything. Hein points out that not long ago, the way people did things online was different. They got pictures from Flickr, watched videos on YouTube, IM’d on Live Messenger and made announcements on Facebook. But now, Hein says more and more people are using Facebook to do all of these things – except email.

2. Facebook’s Social Graph Gets Larger. Hein uses a social graph to show the way all social networks used to be connected (Yahoo to LinkedIn to Gmail to Facebook, etc.), and another to show how social integration will work with Facebook email . He says: “By also overtaking email and incorporating as many type of social connection streams as possible, the Facebook social graph of you -- and as a result of its whole 500 million user network -- becomes much, much more complete.”Hein’s point is that Facebook will now not only know whom you connect with on Facebook, but also whom you connect with outside of it.

3. Email is Huge. In spite of what you may have heard – that email is losing its popularity, especially among younger audiences – Hein says email is still very much alive. He points out that Email marketing is still the #1 social list-based moneymaker. So Facebook is entering the email market at the right time.

What this all means to you, Hein says, is that getting people to “like” your company will become much more important. Messages within your social sphere will be given different “weight” than those out of that sphere. What’s more, keeping your company’s emails off people’s “spam” lists will be vital. Facebook has become, Hein says, “the world’s most efficient spam filter.” Similarly, you’re going to have to target your ads even more pointedly to reach your intended audience.

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