Friday, September 24, 2010

Google’s new “Insight for Search” Tool an Easy way to Leverage more SEO Info, CanuckSEO Says

Software analyst Joyce Loews, writing on Jim Rudnick’s “Canuck SEO” blog, is very excited about Google’s recently released SEO tool, Insights for Search (IFS). In her article “Four Great Ways to Use Google’s Insights for Search Tool for Canuck SEO," Loews calls IFS the “obscure cousin” of Trends. She adds the software actually outdoes its predecessor in several important areas.

IFS reports the popularity of any keyword or phrase searched for since 2004. What makes it unique is that you can whittle down the results to determine the most popular search terms in virtually any State or province, and in the United States you can whittle it down to major metropolitan areas.

Results can also be determined according to content or images sought.

Citing some Canadian examples, Loews says the most searched term recently in Quebec has been recipes for “croustade a pommes,” or as we know it in America, the apple crisp.

A search on “SEO” reveals that Canada’s interest in the subject has risen steadily throughout the past six years, with British Columbia sending the highest number of searches for that term.

Loews says what IFS does best is to perform comparative research into search volumes. It’s not a numbers tool, like Keywords, but rather a way to narrow searches by region, time period of the search and search type. She says it’s a vital tool for companies with a new product to sell. They can research which areas of the country are interested in the company’s keywords. This tells companies where their potential audience is.

Another feature of IFS is “Rising Searches,” a list of keywords and search terms that have steadily risen in popularity over the years.

Loews sums up by saying that the heavily graphic-laden site should help to persuade the stubborn naysayers at your office that SEO is important, since search results are spelled out so well.

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