Friday, October 8, 2010’s Tucker Cummings Offers Four Necessities for the Modern Office “Luddite”

Are you, or is someone in your office, a Luddite at heart?
The term "Luddite" refers to anyone opposed to industrialization, automation, computerization or new technologies .
In her article “The Luddite’s Guide to Productivity: Analog Solutions for a Digital World” at, Tucker Cummings admits that sometimes, amid all the modern social advancements of email, text messages, phone calls, IMs etc., low-tech or Luddite solutions can come in handy when you’re overburdened. She put together a list of four non-computerized tips that can really boost your productivity:

Get an egg timer. This is a great way to manage how much time you spend on brainstorming and other open-ended projects. Plus, unlike a computer reminder service, the alarm doesn’t stop until you turn it off, which reminds you it’s time to do something else.

Post-It Notes. Digital reminders aren’t always a good idea, because you can’t have your cell phone or computer screen in your face at all times. However, a post-it note sticks to virtually anything. You can put it in direct view of your line of sight regardless of whether you’re in a meeting or eating lunch. Post-it notes are great for reminding you to stay on task.

Write on your hand. Yes, it’s an old grade school trick, but if you have something really important that you must accomplish, reminding yourself about it every time you look down at your hands is a good way to do it. (Cummings adds, “just make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before heading into a meeting.”)

Eat something. Low blood sugar is not your friend. If you’re feeling tired or grumpy, it’s time to grab a fruit, vegetable or some other healthy snack to get your stamina back.

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